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Today : Friday Oct 18 2024
  • Mar 18 2020 - 14:11
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The Third Report by the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs Regarding Measures Taken Against Corona;

Iran is among the top powers of the region in the fight against corona

Iran is among the top powers of the region in the fight against corona

In the third report of measures taken by the corona fight committee of the Vice-Presidency, we read: the development of biotechnology is not just economic development in the country (sometimes a gram of biomedical is worth a million euros), but is the development of the country’s security. During this short period, important measures have been taken by researchers and knowledge-based companies. In this regard, six contracts have been concluded for the development of corona detection kits.

Since the first days of corona outbreak, the Vice-Presidency has taken effective measures to prevent and control the disease. All parts of the Vice-Presidency will cooperate with other sectors, which is accelerated with establishing the corona fight committee.

Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, has published reports about the work of the committee on his Instagram page.

The third report in another explanation of the steps of the corona fight committee with the help of the innovation ecosystem. In the report, we read:

In the past few years and with the implementation of the policies of the Vice-Presidency, we have established a suitable ecosystem in the field of biotechnology in the country.

A number of universities, professors, scholars, and most importantly, startups and knowledge-based companies have now led Iran to become the first and third Asian power in the region to develop science and technology and biotechnology.

Fortunately, the product of the diagnostic kit of three companies has been approved and will be released by some companies next week. In the field of medical equipment, the most sophisticated devices are manufactured domestically. Many licenses have been issued or are currently being issued in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.

The production of essential items in the ICU rooms is underway in three shifts. For example, only the production of operating room ventilators has reached about 30 units per day.

Devices not yet manufactured in the country, from pulse oximeter and BIPAP to CT scanning, are receiving the necessary approvals.

With the help of all people, we will pass this hard time safely.

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center
  • News code : 50062


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